There’s a new All Well zine out now: Patchwork Alphabet!
A M Y: When I’m not sewing, I’m a poet, so words are essential building blocks in my interior world. I couldn’t help but mash text and sewing together! I’ve been making patchwork text banners for years now, and I want to share the process so others can work though the tactile double-poetry of sewn words too. It’s made me so happy, to slowly build letters out of little bits of cloth! I’ll teach you how! It’s slow and lovely and meditative and wonderful.
Patchwork Alphabet is available now, just in time for you to sew holiday presents if you want to (or something special for yourself!). You can preorder a physical zine (risograph printed by Amelia’s studio ANEMONE) that you can get in the mail in early December. A digital file is included with preorders so you don’t have to wait to get the print zine to get started.
Or, you can buy the Print-at-Home version of the zine to make your own booklet (in whatever fun colors you like), or sew straight from the digital version!
You can learn more about both versions of the zine on our website!
This idea has been in development for a long, long time, and it’s so exciting to get to share it with you now. We hope you’ll enjoy choosing the words you want to sew and piecing them together with care! Share your patchwork alphabet banners on Instagram with the #allwellpatchworkalphabet hashtag! We really love to see what you make. Happy sewing!